The site supports the Radzyner position and documents that the murex trunculus school of thought is seriously flawed, refuting it from many angles. David Pollack Says: October 4th, 2006 at 11:36 pm. David Shatz: Simple solution to metzitzah issue, test the babies ...... Maybe he can take a vacation or start pumping gas for a living. Anonomous Says: October 26th, 2006 at 9:22 pm. Sorry to break up the ?oral? party folks, but NHN is reporting that MT's daughter is engaged. ...
Arad, gli Ebrei di Biała Podlaska erano stati deportati a Sobibór il 10 giugno 1942 e Treblinka tra il 26 settembre e il 6 ottobre; quelli di bRadzyń/b Podlaski a Treblinka il 1° ottobre e quelli di Międzyrzec Podlaski nel medesimo campo ...
His students included Rabbi Zadok HaKohen of Lublin (1823-1900), his son, Rabbi Yaacov Leiner (1828-1878) and Rabbi Gershon Henoch of bRadzyn/b, his grandson. Thought Rabbi Leiner is best known for a doctrine of radical determinism: all b.../b